Main Generator Rotor Replacement

As an upgrade to the modernization of the main Generator NEK has decided to replace the old Rotor. In association with company Siemens, Sipro prepared project documentation for the ''Supply And Replacement of New Generator Rotor'' which was replaced during the outage 2012.

The new Generator Rotor has been designed and manufactured per the NEK requirements by Siemens AG (Picture 1).


Picture 1: New Rotor of the Main Generator (outage 2012) 

We have examined analyses, calculations that have been performed or revised to ensure that new installed Rotor of the Generator will be equivalent replacement for the old one:

  •  Generator Parameters, Characteristics, Design
  •  Torsion Analysis  Study of the Protection Setting
  •  Compatibility, Mechanical Stress Evaluation and Elongation Considerations
  •  Replacement Rotor Design Approach to fulfill 40 year service life
  •  Study of the WTA Settings for the 850 MVA Generator
  •  Protection Terminals Settings Calculation

Based on results and conclusions of the analysis, studies and calculations Sipro has developed complete project documentation per NEK procedures.

Project Manager: Božidar Linke, B.Sc.E.E.